Last Updated on Jul 8, 2024

$EMET Token Disclaimer

Last Updated: July 8, 2024

Nothing mentioned on the or websites or social handles should be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction, nor should be interpreted as legal advice, investment advice, or tax advice.  $EMET tokens (“$EMET tokens”) are non-transferable digital assets awarded to permitted users in accordance with the Emet Earn Rewards Programs. When used to effectuate payment for licensing of permitted user Inputs, $EMET tokens are awarded at a rate of $0.01 USD, which may be subject to change pursuant to applicable law and in accordance with the Emet Earn Terms of Service.

$EMET tokens are not available for purchase and may not be transferred. Do not purchase or accept $EMET tokens for any reason whatsoever.

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Copyright © 2024 EmetX Inc. All Rights Reserved . Read. Write, Own…Earn with Émet.

Copyright © 2024 EmetX Inc. All Rights Reserved . Read. Write, Own…Earn with Émet.

Copyright © 2024 EmetX Inc. All Rights Reserved . Read. Write, Own…Earn with Émet.